Carpooling has its advantages. Not only does it save time, gas, and wear and tear on a community of vehicles, it also reduces the carbon footprint of families nationwide. Rather than each family traveling separately in a fleet of vehicles, each parent takes turns picking up multiple children and driving them to a predesignated spot. They also make sure that each child is delivered safely to their homes until the next time they need transportation to an event.
Carpooling is usually free since each participant takes turns as the driver—this makes it an economically enticing choice, too. Instead of having to pay for a driver or to count on a teen driver to take himself or herself to events, you have a responsible adult ready to do the job for them. It eases a parent’s worries knowing that their kid is safe and accounted for.
Here are three ways carpooling positively impacts your community:
- It fulfills a need. Gone are the days when people welcomed new neighbors with baked goods. In a world that is so dependent on technology, it’s great to see one-on-one relationships develop outside of cyberspace. Carpooling requires adults to build trusting friendships with other parents. They also have to learn how to speak to children who are not their own. Carpooling families are a community within themselves.
- It provides safe transportation for children who do not have it. Some children do not have a way to get back and forth to events. That is where carpooling is a necessity. It gives families without transportation peace of mind because they know that their child is being given the same opportunities as their peers. When biking or walking to school events isn’t an option, carpooling is a safe and reliable way for children to participate.
- It’s better for the planet and healthier for the community. Think about the toll it takes on the planet every time a vehicle gets on the road. Carpooling encourages single drivers to ride with more passengers, reducing the number of cars on the road. Idling cars contribute to ground-level ozone pollution; according to Moms Clean Air Force, “Ozone pollution contains tiny particles that penetrate deep into the lungs and irritate the respiratory system, exacerbating existing asthma. Children are the most vulnerable: their lungs are still developing, and they breathe faster than adults, taking in more dirty air.” Fewer vehicles on the road means less of pollution, reduced consumption of fossil fuels, and less wear on vehicles. That means that cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs last longer and require fewer repairs to stay operable.
As you can see, there are plenty of enticing reasons to carpool. It’s a safe, affordable, healthy, and environmentally responsible thing to do. It teaches children the power of community, provides them with the safety and parental guidance they need at school and sports events, and takes the burden of responsibility off of busy parents whose work schedules don’t let up for long enough to take their kids to practice or field trips.
If you haven’t thought about carpooling to get your pre-teen and teenage children where they need to go, now is the time to consider it an option. With the GoKid app, you can save yourself valuable time by carpooling with families that you trust. It’s a great way to shuttle kids to and from appointments, school activities, and sports games.