Best Child Transportation Services in Columbia
There are 367 schools in the city of Columbia with an estimated 38,000 students travelling to school every day. Studies show that the majority of students in Columbia prefer walking to school, with just 51% enrolled in public bus use. Walking to school is one of the best ways to get there as it’s healthy and better for the environment – however we know that it’s not always possible. For students who live too far from school to walk, or for snowy days, parents often turn to driving their children to and from school. This can cost parents a lot of time, and especially in working-parent households it can often lead to difficulties juggling work and school schedules. To help, we have listed some of the best child transportation services for school kids in the city of Columbia followed with information on GoKid – a carpool – based alternative which is free and reduces the number of single-occupied vehicles on the road.