Top 10 Soccer Rules for Kids and Their Parents

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By: Stefanie Lemcke

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Top 10 Soccer Rules for Kids and Their Parents

Have you just signed your kid up for soccer and realized you don’t know anything about the sport? Even better, have you signed up to be your kid’s soccer coach? It happens more than you know! US Soccer registers over 3,000,000 youth soccer players between the ages of five and nineteen. However, 85% of volunteer-directed youth sports are coached by parents with a child on the team, and less than 10% of these coaches have any coaching education.

Sound familiar? If it does, we are here to help. GoKid is passionate about helping parents. We love that parents can use our app to make getting to and from soccer practices easier, and we love that with our new sports integration features we can help coaches and parents communicate more effectively. Today, let’s ease the minds of newbie soccer parents by sharing these simple soccer rules for kids.

10 Soccer Rules for Beginners

  1. Field Size – The size of the field can be modified depending on the ages of your players; however, the field should be rectangular in shape.
  2. Ball Size – The size of the soccer ball also depends on the ages of the players. For example, the youngest players will begin with a Size 3 ball and move up ball sizes as they grow.
  3. Players on a Team – There should not be more than 11 players on a team, and younger teams will have fewer players. However, it is important to have the same number of players on each team during a game.
  4. Substitutions – In soccer, three substitutions are allowed, but these are only allowed when the ball is not in play. However, in youth soccer, the three-substitution cap may be lifted and used more liberally.
  5. Start of Game – Starting at the center of the field, each team must be on their side of the field. The team who won the kick-off will have a player kick the ball. As soon as the ball is kicked, the game is in play.
  6. Game in Play – The game remains in play as long as the soccer ball remains in the soccer field. However, the game referee can take the ball out of play for infractions.
  7. Goal – When the ball crosses the goal line of the opposing team’s side, this is a goal. The team who scores the most goals wins!
  8. Length of the Game – While professional soccer games last 90 minutes, youth soccer games are significantly shorter. These games range from 15 – 30 minutes with a short halftime.
  9. Out of Bounds – If the soccer ball crosses the line, it is out of bounds. At this point, a player on the team which did not kick the ball out of bounds will throw in.
  10. No Hands – Finally, one of the most important rules of soccer – no hands!

10 Rules of Soccer for Parents

Now that you know enough simple soccer rules to cheer at the right times, let’s move on to some rules for soccer parents.

  1. Be supportive and do not put too much pressure on your kid.
  2. Be encouraging instead of discouraging.
  3. Don’t yell at the coach. Let the coach do his/her job.
  4. Be a role model. Little eyes will see, and little ears will hear if you lose your cool at a game.
  5. Pack SPF. Soccer tends to be played in places without any shade, so be prepared.
  6. Dress comfortably and bring a chair.
  7. Stress respect.
  8. Teach your kid to be a team player by being one yourself.
  9. Have realistic expectations and remember your kid is still learning.
  10. Stay hydrated and keep your kid hydrated.
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