GoKid Carpooling 101

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By: Stefanie Lemcke

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GoKid Carpooling 101

Boy and mom fist-bumping next to a car

Since we started GoKid, we often get asked questions about the right carpool etiquette as well as safety concerns. Here are some of our suggestions—based on our own experience carpooling.

Who will be driving my child?

GoKid is based on the principle of parents helping out other parents with driving. Therefore, GoKid will allow you to invite people from your trusted circle of fellow parents to drive. Sometimes caregivers will take on a driving shift. If unsure about a caregiver’s driving record, you should contact the family directly to inquire about his/her driving qualifications. GoKid is not providing or checking on drivers, we are providing the technology to easily set up and schedule rides.

What about car seats and installing them?

We generally recommend carpooling for parents with school-aged children (ages 7 and up) as opposed to younger children. The US States have different car seat requirements—some are age-dependent, and others are dependent on the weight of the child. If in doubt, please review this list and contact your carpool group and the parent who is driving either through an in-app message or by calling the parent. When carpooling with younger children, it is your responsibility as a parent to make sure the driving parent has the right car seat and knows how to adjust it.

What if I’m unable to drive or my kid gets sick?

You can cancel your ride by “un-volunteering” through the GoKid platform and you can also take your child out of a specific ride or an entire carpool. As a courtesy to the other parents, please try to inform them at least a day before the ride. If you need to cancel last minute, please call the other parents to make sure they are aware of the changes.

Can I swap my scheduled ride?

If you do, please make those changes at least 2 days before the scheduled ride. You should contact the parent you’d like to swap with either through the GoKid app or by calling them. Please un-volunteer your ride and ask the other parent to take on your spot so that everyone in the carpool—including the children—knows who will be driving.

What if I’m running late or other children are late?

Please be on time as others rely on you. Our app will send you reminders and notifications when to leave the house. At a later stage, the app will notify other parents when the car is approaching to make it a smooth experience. If children are not at the appointed pickup location, please call the parent. Always make sure the child is picked up or dropped off according to the parent’s preference in GoKid.

How can I be sure the driver will not be using a cell phone while driving my child?

GoKid should actually help prevent the use of cell phones while driving, as the app will display the best route and directions. We recommend parents use a hands-free holder for their phones when following directions. We are currently not monitoring the driving behavior of parents but might include respective technologies at a later stage.

What about misbehaving kids during a ride? 

Never directly discipline another parent’s child. Instead please notify the parent of any poor behavior. We always find it helpful to start a conversation with the children during a ride. Ask them about their sports practice, their favorite players, or their favorite TV show. Model good behavior by teaching your own children to thank the driver and be polite. Avoid letting your own children eat in the car.

What we love about carpooling is the social aspect for our children and for us. We learn so much about our own children when listening to them in the car.

If you have other questions about carpool etiquette or using the app, please contact us or check out our FAQ section on our website. Please comment/send us your own questions and tips on carpooling—we love to hear from you!

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