When you’re in the dead of winter, getting your kids outside to play can be tough. Snow, cold temps, and lots of dreary weather can prevent them from getting the outdoor time they need.
Here are some ways to keep your kids active when it’s too cold to play outside:
Workout videos are the saving grace for moms and busy people everywhere. You can get a pretty good workout in an hour or less by following along. Workout videos don’t have to just be for adults, though. There are plenty of kid-friendly videos that will ensure your kids have fun while they exercise. From yoga to dancing to standard gym-class exercises, there’s something out there your child will enjoy doing and help keep them active at the same time! There are a ton of kid-friendly workout videos you can find here on YouTube.
Winter is a great time to try some indoor sports and activities. Karate helps kids build strength and also encourages perseverance and discipline. Gymnastics, dance, or yoga classes will build strength and flexibility from the comfort of an indoor studio. Basketball, roller hockey, and volleyball are fun team sports that can all be played inside. Joining a swim team can also be a great option if you have an indoor pool nearby. Joining a class or sport will also help your child meet new friends outside of school or the neighborhood. What’s more? This will give you a chance to test out GoKid! Plan how your child will be transported to and from their sports practice with ease. GoKid is your perfect Carpool solution.
Even if it’s not a structured class, dancing burns a lot of calories. Play your child’s favorite music, turn on some colorful lights, and dance your hearts out. You can also play games like freeze dance—someone randomly stops the music and all the dancers have to freeze!
Instead of just building a fort that you sit in, put together an obstacle course, instead! Make tunnels and hurdles they have to crawl through or jump over. You can even add exercise stations throughout. Once they finish one leg, they have to do ten jumping jacks or jump rope for thirty seconds before moving on to the next part. If you have multiple kids, make it a competition. They can race each other, or you can time each person to see who completes the course fastest.
Indoor trampoline parks have been popping up in cities around the country for the last few years. The floors and the walls are all made of either trampoline or foam or are heavily padded, so kids can jump around to their heart’s content without hurting themselves. All that jumping will get their hearts pumping, but it’s so fun they won’t even realize they’re exercising.
What winter activities do you have planned for your children/ teens? Whether it be one of the fun indoor activities listed below or braving the outside cold, we want to hear from you! Comment below with your fun winter activities.