Best Child Transportation Services in Brooklyn
Although it’s one of the five boroughs of New York City, Brooklyn itself is the second most populated county in the US. For the 2018-19 school year Brooklyn’s approximately 403 private schools, serve 115,692 students while public schools serve an approximately 291,153 students. There are almost 2,000 schools in the city which means that during school hours there is heavy traffic and congestion on all major routes. Children lose most of their time in travelling to school and stuck in traffic. Though it’s quite walkable city with good public transport, many families find this doesn’t work well for them, especially on days with bad weather or freezing temperatures. Driving in slow Brooklyn traffic can make it very difficult for parents to manage work and school schedules. For times like this, it is vital to have reliable and quick services to transport kids to school. We have listed down the best child transportation services in Brooklyn , which also includes GoKid – a carpool- based alternative.