There are so many good reasons to carpool to school, it wasn’t difficult to put together a few of our top ones.
1. Your wallet will thank you for it.
It costs about 49 cents per mile to own and operate a car, and about 12 cents for gas, oil, and other maintenance. Splitting the cost with other drivers by only having to drive once or twice a week can quickly make a difference!
2. Your schedule is busy enough already.
Honestly, why spend the time driving back and forth all day when you can put that time to good use? Read to your kids, cook a meal, work, or even squeeze in a workout for yourself. Believe us, your child doesn’t mind, s/he is with friends.
3. It’s social.
Give your child some time to unwind after class, or some time to talk to friends before a long day of school. Unstructured conversation makes a dull daily commute into a time to enjoy the company of friends, strengthen relationships, or build new ones.
4. The planet needs you.
For every gallon of gasoline burned, 17.68 pounds of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere. With just one extra person in the car, you substantially reduce your own carbon footprint–and you’re setting a good example for your own child.
5. Your car will be grateful.
When you carpool to school you’re not putting those miles on your car, every day, five days each week. You can save it from enormous amounts of wear and tear. Do the car and yourself a favor, let it take some easy days.
6. It makes the roads safer.
Getting a number of mostly empty vehicles off of the road lessens congestion and traffic, greatly reducing both commute time and the chance of an auto accident.
What are you waiting for? Carpool to school!